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Even in a pandemic!

Even in a pandemic buildings still need to be safe! Teams from Concorr’s Surveys Division have spent the past week accessing every part of the façade of this high rise office building in the Midlands carrying out extensive make safe as well as a comprehensive range of diagnostic testing and a full condition survey. Clients still need to fulfil their obligations under Health and safety even during these difficult times. Fortunately Concorr have an approved Covid policy and procedures in place to operate in order to assist. This high rise office building had extensive areas of concrete that would have fallen over public areas had our teams not been on hand to access all areas of the façade using Industrial Roped Access techniques to make the façade safe. Please get in touch to find out how Concorr can assist you with your building façade during these unprecedented times. #façadeInspection #makesafesurvey #concretetesting #Industrialropedaccess #surveying #construction

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